Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Honestly Now

Who can honestly say that they would pay .65¢ for a Clark bar... I'm not sure I've ever witnessed someone saying "boy I wish I had a Clark bar right now"

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Breakfast Burritos

Ever since Taco Bell has been testing its new breakfast menu in NW Ohio, the restaurant has actually started to smell like a Mexican restaurant. Which is good, because I was starting to wonder...

Friday, May 11, 2007

Man Law...Or Um Something

I guess this isn't a man law per se... but any restroom with only a stall and a urinal should have a lock on the door, not the flimsy push open door like the one here at my local gas station. You'd think they could afford door locks with the price of gas... Oh and the creepy condom vendor freaks me out. If you're too shy to buy condoms at the counter, how did you get the courage to get a girl (I assume) to... you know... sleep with you?

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I Think I Just Threw Up

Yep, you read that right, Chocolate Fudge & Yellow Cake flavored cotton candy!!! As if that wasn't bad enough, the bag next to it says French Vanilla & Cappuccino... Just the thought is making me gag...

You Might Be A Redneck...

If you spray-paint your Dodge Neon camouflage colors and add a cheesy-looking light bar, you might be a redneck

Scratch that, you are definitely a redneck

Friday, May 4, 2007

Random Man Law

Men Who Order Appletinis: On Notice
Any man who witnesses another man ordering an Appletini (or other fruity chick-drink) is required to pour said drink in the lap of the man who ordered it once it arrives. No other explanation is necessary, if you feel words need to be said to break the following awkward silence a firm "you're welcome" is acceptable.